Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Learning Channel - really?

I saw on the news yesterday where Lowe's pulled their ads from the TLC show "All-American Muslim" after pressure from a Florida-based evangelical Christian association. I don't know what irritates me more - pulling the ad because a fringe hate group signed petitions or that the show exists to begin with. TLC used to mean The Learning Channel but it should be renamed "WTF Channel". If you look at their past and current show lineup, you have to wonder what they are trying to teach us. They are the ones who brought us "Jon and Kate plus 8" and "19 Kids and Counting". These are two of the most dysfunctional families ever. Throw in the extreme stuff like hoarding, tattoos, couponing, and food addictions and you have something a little more than legitimate learning. TLC seems to focus on every different, oddball, or downright freaky human condition. If you want to learn about dwarfism, being pregnant while not knowing it for the whole 9 months, or how not to dress shitty, this channel is for you. I, for one, have never met a pregnant woman who didn't know she was pregnant. I have to admit that I have been sucked into a few of these shows. It's like slowing down and gawking at a car wreck. It's the morbid curiosity we are wired with. All of the "human interest" channels like A&E and The History Channel have more informative shows than TLC, although a few weirdos do sneak in like "Lady Hoggers", "Billy the Exterminator", or the biggest freak of them all, "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I wish someone would beat the crap out of him! One good thing about all of these cable channels is that it gives us something else to watch instead of the network garbage about dancing with stars, singing with criminals, dancing with criminals, or break-dancing on national TV with your drinking beer in the garage buddies.