Thursday, July 30, 2009

Who's that in my house? Oh, it's me!

You gotta love the buzz about Obama, Prof. Gates, and the cops. This whole thing would have never been news if everyone had not over-reacted from the start. The cop did it first. Then Gates did it. Then the media did it. Then Obama offered an opinion that never should have been offered in a public forum like a national news conference. I feel sorry for the neighbor who called 911 in the beginning. All of the self-righteous minority coalitions are calling her a racist. The 911 call indicates that she said that one of the people "might" have been Hispanic. The cop says she said they were black. Of course, he's covering his ass. Gates carried it even further by playing the "black" victim. He looked like he was shooting off his mouth to the point that the cop had enough. I don't care if you are in your own house, the prudent thing to do is maintain civility and work through it. He's lucky they didn't tase him! Lastly, all this BS about having a beer at the White House and the ensuing speculation of what kind of beer it will be is worse than the frenzy created by Michael Jackson's untimely demise.

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh because I just finished reading an article about it and they just had to mention what kind of beer each of them had. Who gives a crap about what kind of beer they each drank?

    The more important part of the story that people should be thinking about is that now we know how to get an invitation to have a beer with the prez. lol
