Friday, December 4, 2009

Tiger in the tank

After nearly a week of listening to the media bullshit about Tiger Woods and his accident, I feel like I might as well put in my 12 cents (2 cents in 1929 dollars). First of all, anyone in the media who apologizes for reporting this story (like Richelle Carey and Christi Paul of HLN), you're full of crap! It looks like the media is out to completely destroy Tiger's reputation. I guess there is nothing else happening in the world this week. Even Nancy Grace (who I can't stand) is bumping her gums about it. In her usual hypocritical way, she has veered from being the "champion of the little people" to her version of Jane Velez Mitchell (who is also a loudmouth).
I know Tiger is and has been the darling of the sports world due to his clean rep and incredible golf skills. To say that he should be held to a higher standard because he is the top guy in his game is silly. He is a human just like the rest of us except for the piles of cash and low golf score. Look at the top performers in any sport. While there are a lot of sports figures with clean values and good intentions, there are also a bunch of arrogant assholes out there. Most of the time, when one excels at their sport for any length of time, they get way too full of themselves. Look at Tebow. I'm surprised his teammates don't beat the crap out of him for grandstanding.
It is reported that many children look up to Tiger Woods and that this is one of the reasons why he shouldn't drag his family problems into the public eye. He's not the one who did it! The media did. Speaking of role models, I know people who still swear OJ didn't do it! There are kids out there who follow all of the wrestling teams. Now, there's a role model! Some guy with shaggy, sweaty hair and a big tat on his face, yelling into the camera.
My point is that some of us put way too much faith in our fellow humans. We are all fallible. That's the way God made us. Tiger's marital problems are between him and his wife and/or lawyer and are none of our business, no matter how famous he is. The media should be following news that really affects us like what Congress is doing or not doing.
BTW, I actually saw an article about "green" living where there are people who refuse to use leather restraints (wink,wink,nudge,nudge) made from slaughtered cattle. What do they use, road kill?


  1. I'm consistently amazed at the media circus and outrage every time someone is caught cheating. I can understand the disgust with hypocrites like Elliot Spitzer, security or influence concerns related to any politician or elected official who has an affair and moral outrage when the "offender" is a religious leader.

    But the moral outrage related to someone like Tiger Woods, who has worked hard to keep his personal life private and has never purported to be a moral role model for kids, is ridiculous.

    And seriously, how many kids look up to Tiger Woods because he's "a good family man"? Most of them probably have no clue about his daily personal life; they look up to him because he's a great athlete and for his great work ethic, which has nothing to do with his personal relationships.

  2. overly mouthy mother of this bunchDecember 16, 2009 at 1:07 PM

    i can see it now! 'leather restraints' made of squirrel, 'possum, or raccoon. would the raccoon have a higher value if you leave the tail on. new version of a 'tickler'? a whole new industry is born! now how is that for offensive???
