Thursday, March 11, 2010

Old People Sex

Boy, that title will do two things; get your attention or piss you off ;) Seriously though, there is a new study out concerning the sexual habits of older people. This study concludes that 67% of men aged 65 to 74 were sexually active compared to 40% of women in the same age group. This obviously includes singles because married couples in the same age group are even on the percentages. Some of this activity is attributed to drugs like Viagra, which supposedly allow men to have sex more often. I wonder how much "E.D." is actually caused by the constant bombardment of sex in the media, which would tend to dull the sexual senses. There are already studies out there that show that constant exposure to violence on TV and in video games leaves our children with a dulled sense of danger and responsibility. I imagine porn would do the same thing. What I think it boils down to is that we are in a new era of awareness that keeps me 30 years old in my head while the rest of me is over 50.

1 comment:

  1. If you use politicians as an example, I bet the difference in % is because it's easier for a guy to pay for sex than it is for a woman. At least I suppose that to be true. Haven't actually researched it personally. lol
