Tuesday, March 8, 2011

As seen on TV ....

Shake weights are weird. I wonder if the inventor is laughing his ass off when watching the commercials. It's an odd motion unless you spank the monkey regularly. Saturday Night Live has spoofed it but if you want to know the real reason for Shake Weights, watch the Southpark episode about them.

Charlie Sheen has finally gone officially crazy! I guess years of alcohol and hooker/strippers will do that to you. His rants on various talk shows have revealed just how crazy he is. He is so delusional about his importance and I get the impression that he actually believes all the bullshit he spouts. The talk shows are just having him on as a guest to see if he steps in more crap. I can't believe there are college students wanting him to do their graduation speech. Doesn't say much for college, does it? I'm glad to see that Warner fired him, although it sure took them about a week longer than it would have taken me!

Gas prices are starting to piss me off. The current runup in prices is being blamed on Libya. The rumors of $4 gas by Memorial Day are circulating. The news media seems to forget that, about a month ago, there was a report of $4 gas because the Saudi oil production volume had peaked and would continually go down as they deplete their resources. Our government is debating on releasing some of the Strategic Oil Reserve product to stabilize prices. The numbers I saw were that we have about 730 million barrels in reserve, but we use 20 million barrels a day. Our whole reserve would only last 36 days or so. That wouldn't do much good and we would just have to replace it with higher priced oil, which would bite us on the ass at a later date. Too bad we as consumers can't add a fuel surcharge like everyone else does!

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