Thursday, June 25, 2009

And another one bites the dust!

What is it about political office that makes a guy like Gov. Mark Sanford do something as stupid as having an affair with someone in Argentina? I don't know which is worse; the affair or the fact that she's in South America. It's not like you can run down to the Walmart parking lot. You have to pretend you went hiking for a long time. My favorite prez had it goin' on. Willie Bill just did it at his office!
One has to wonder what kind of people we are electing into office. I don't know if politicians err at the same percentage rate as the rest of us or if aberrant behavior is a political prerequisite. You have governors with prostitutes. You have governors having affairs. You have senators playing footsie in public restrooms. I think these are all distractions so that we don't notice the other back room deals going one that cost us money and freedom. Politics on the state level invariably involve some sort of deal that benefits the governor's wallet, family, or area he is from. It's almost like a rite of passage. Some states are worst than others. Please note that I haven't done any research on this so I'm going off of memory. Louisiana has a terrible record of state officials screwing the public over. New York has its share of idiots. You see what came out of Texas. Their current governor has commented on secession. We all know what happened the last time! Come to think of it, South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union, thus starting the Civil War.


  1. This would have been a minor story if the press had known that "hiking the Appalachian Trail" is a euphemism for having sex. If it wasn't before, it sure will be now.

    I was kind of hoping for something less mundane when they started talking about the "missing Governor". Like maybe he was meeting with some unsavory characters to plan to embezzle a portion of the stimulus funds the State Senate forced him to accept.

    So I really kind of felt let down when it turned out to be an affair.

  2. the mother of this bunchJune 29, 2009 at 11:29 PM

    maybe our politicians need to be more like most latin american politicos. everyone knows that they are there just to make money! have a good time for period they are in power. then rip everyone off, and retire! no fuss, no muss. just the average day at work.
