Thursday, November 19, 2009

Manufactured fame

The news is all about Sarah Palin's new book these days. It got me thinking about how someone can become famous so quickly. As you know, Palin rose from obscurity to a household name almost overnight. She just happened to be who the GOP picked to use up in the last presidential election. How she achieved cult status is beyond me. I don't know what her platform was when she ran for governor of Alaska but it looks like the people were fed up with the typical good ol' boys option and she was the alternative. Kinda sounds like the last prez election, doesn't it! I suppose she appeals to a slice of America that enjoys that idea that a woman can shoot a rifle and dress a moose and then dress for a party and do shots. Just because she ran as a vice presidential candidate doesn't mean that she has the depth of experience to be our next president. The talk of her being the GOP's choice in the next election is probably because they assume that running against Obama will be an uphill battle and they don't want to burn a good candidate (if there is one).
Speaking of Obama, where did he come from? He was a virtual unknown until the Dems started a buzz. Next thing you know, he's the next Martin Luther King and saviour of our world. The whole time he was running for president, I was reminded of the Chris Rock movie "Head of State". I believe his platform was "It jus ain't right!" Obama popped up out of the super-corrupt Chicago political machine as the (apparently) only clean one of the bunch. It's kinda hard to think that there are no ties to that machine although so far he seems to be genuinely concerned with changing the way the country is heading. I do think he is trying to do too much too fast for too much money. The decision makers of America are the same ones who put us in the economic predicament we are in now. I can't help but think of how long we will be paying for his reforms.

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