Friday, January 15, 2010

Crazies in the media

Once again, the crazies have grabbed the attention of the media. This time, it is Rush Limbaugh (no surprise!) and Pat Robertson (also no surprise!). Rush has been giving Obama shit since before the election and now he claims that the current crisis in Haiti is just another opportunity for Obama to push his agenda. Of course, he claims his remarks were taken out of context, which he didn't consider when he was babbling on about Harry Reid's comments about Obama. He's a bigot! Nearly every show he does has some sort of racial spin. I'm amazed that Rush has such a large following except for the fact that they are all Republicans who are still pissed off about the '08 election. Pat Robertson, on the other hand, is pure friggin' nuts. Certified caa-razy! Claiming that Haiti was cursed and made a pact with the devil to get out from under French rule is just another page in his book on how to be a false prophet. The Haitians didn't entirely win the battle. Yellow fever wiped out nearly the whole French army. He also claims that his remarks were taken out of context. What discussion could he be having where they weren't out of context? Who else would say that? While it is obvious that Haiti and the Dominican Republic are as different as night and day, that has more to do with politics than God. Haiti has been typically a paramilitary dictatorship with extreme corruption for decades. The past and current leadership doesn't care about the population any more than the Europeans that ultimately wiped out the indigenous people of the island. Returning to Robertson, this nut job consistently makes claims and prophecies that, when they don't materialize or are proved wrong, says that the prayers of people to God somehow averted whatever disaster he claimed was going to happen. I wonder if Limbaugh and Robertson share the same mailing list?

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