Friday, January 1, 2010

My New Year's Day post

I figured with a date like 01-01-10 that today would be a good day for a post since the date is so binary. We are all a Twitter because someone got up in our Facebook because we are bustin' our Picasa trying to Flickr! There, got that out of the way. I'm glad to see '09 go. It has been a suck year as years go. The economy tanked; ours collectively and mine personally. But, we made it through alive with just a few cuts and bruises. I'm hoping 2010 will be an up year and there are indicators that it will. The news says consumer confidence is rising and unemployment is falling. Let's hope that holds. Oh yeah, Tebow ain't playing for the Gators anymore! We started off with our youngest grandson in the hospital and we weren't sure if he was going to make it. Now, he's 25 pounds of squirming, chattering happiness. If someone doesn't believe in miracles, just look at TJ. Those are my random thoughts for the day. Everyone have a wonderful day hanging out with your faves.

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