Thursday, April 22, 2010

Muhammad on South Park?

The Muslim crazies are at it again. The creators of South Park have been threatened by a Muslim nut job living in New York City for depicting Muhammad in a bear suit. They don't know that he was actually in the bear suit. It's a cartoon. Anybody who watched the episode knows that Santa Claus was the one in the bear suit! I'm sure everyone has heard that the Muslims believe showing Muhammad's likeness is blasphemous. Their idea of how to handle blasphemy is apparently to kill the offender and anyone else within range of their chicken-shit suicide bombers. Why hasn't Homeland Security picked this guy up? His website, which has been taken down, has openly supported bin Laden and jihad. I'm sick of these nuts holding a collective gun to our heads while they claim to be peace-loving. Now, I'm sure there are a lot of Muslims out there who practice their religion in peace and these people would probably take offense to any label of radicalism. Any religion will have their share of extremists, but Islam's top leaders appear to be the extremists in their religion. How can the average Muslim have any credibility when their version of the Vatican is spouting rhetoric about killing Americans?

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