Monday, August 9, 2010

How the super-rich think

I read this news article the other day that discussed a conference call Bill Gates and Warren Buffett had with other billionaires about giving away their wealth. Apparently, Gates and Buffett are saying they will give away at least 1/2 of their money before they die, and they want others to do the same. Why do you suppose they are doing this? Look at Buffett. He's like 80 years old and worth $62 billion net! Now, he decides to give some money away? Why didn't he give some away years ago? For us common folk, $1 million a year would keep us in high cotton. What can you do with $62 billion when you're 80? Not much! Bill Gates is just as obnoxious. He's worth $58 billion. He does do some charity work (all highly publicized), but I'm not sure how much good it does to give hand-cranked netbooks to natives in Rwanda. I heard he gives to American high schools but all I see are a bunch of computers running Windows badly. Multiply the problems you have with Windows Anything by 50 computers in a classroom. I wouldn't want to be that teacher! These guys are scared to give all their money away. That's why they only pledged 1/2 of it. They don't want to end up like the rest of us. When my bank balance drops below $80k, I start sweating! (not really! (alternate comment ) I wish!) My point is, give it all away, or at least 90% of it. They can survive on what's left. New York City Mayor Micheal Bloomberg actually said that it didn't make sense to leave it all to his kids because it might screw their lives up being members of the "lucky sperm club". I know a couple of members of that type of club and know that, if their parents were alive to see how they conduct business and treat people now, they would kick'em square in the ass!

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