Go to twtpoll.com/d72r6a and check out some of the comments about this story. I'm not surprised, given the anonymity allowed. I can't believe that some people would condone this type of behavior. I understand that there is a fuzzy line between what is acceptable and what is not which moves depending on one's upbringing and environment, but some things transcend all of that. Thick skin or not, we as a society should not allow certain types of behavior. To justify this app as ok just because it is a game and not real life is bullshit. I don't think you should leave a comment that you are not willing to stand up in front of 100 people and tell them. How can these cowards think this app is even remotely funny is beyond me.
That being said, I wonder who the idiot at Apple Inc. was that approved this app. Just the fact that they released this during National Child Abuse Prevention Month is bad. Do they not even look at the apps before releasing them? Or does the dollar drive their decision exclusively? Many of our economic problems are directly attributed to companies like Apple who appear to run their companies purely for the bottom line without regard for any social or environmental impacts.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Miss California
The uproar over Miss California's answer to Perez Hilton's question is not unexpected, given the venue. After looking at the comments on Hilton's website, there seems to be a 3 way split on the issue. 1/3 are for gay marriage, 1/3 are against, and 1/3 think she is stupid. What I noticed the most was that over half of them can't spell! The pageant is not the place to ask a controversial question like that if you don't get an honest answer or if the honest answer causes you to lose the contest. This wasn't a political race where the winner has actual power over us. It's a damn beauty contest! Should she have lied just to win? We as a country need to stop the subservient ass kissing and vote our convictions, right or wrong. We are where we are now because we are just told what we want to hear and not always the truth. Do you think we would be in Iraq if Bush had said "I want to start a war with a country that I have no real proof of wrongdoing and oh yeah it will last 8-10 yrs and cost us billions"? I would hope someone would have popped up and said "bitch pleeeeze!" instead of kissing his ass and going along with it for the sake of not creating controversy.
Summit of the Americas
It's no wonder the GOP is bitching about Obama shaking hands with Chavez. They have pushed the Cold War agenda for decades. It is all part of their warmongering. I agree that Chavez is just a little butthole trying to get world attention by running his mouth, but the GOP gives him way too much credit. The whole Cuba thing is crazy. We should have lifted the restrictions and embargoes long ago and made Cuba a vacation destination. It's obvious all the restrictions have done is drive down the standard of living there. There has been a double standard about Cuba for a while. We actually have a trade imbalance with the largest communist country in the world! We have been trading with China for a long time so why not Cuba too? We can close Gitmo while we're at it. Cuba is just about close enough to toss a grenade at so why have a whole base there? Just think, Cuba could double its GNP just in pre 1960's cars!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Scary economic stuff
The current ease at which Obama seems to push spending bills thru Congress scares the crap out of me. I guess our representatives are so enamored with our "golden child" that they are willing to follow any path he chooses like a bunch of lemmings. Although he has had some good ideas, the current method seems to be cramming a bunch of unrelated spending increases and new spending programs into the mix. It reminds me of Bush when he was constantly introducing new ways to restrict our freedom in the name of national security. Our leaders need to concentrate on fixing our current economic situation. Creating new revenue sources for programs not directly affecting the banking and manufacturing crisis by raising taxes is not good fiscal responsibility. I know the healthcare system should be revamped, but that issue is not high on the list of things the average American is worrying about right now. Folks are worrying about their jobs and the unending list of responsibilities that are affected by a job loss or cutback. Unemployment doesn't pay the rent or the house payment.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
More about Rushbo and the pirates
I didn't plan on this blog being a Rush basher but every time he opens his mouth, a turd falls out. The Somali pirates were killed because they were criminals! No one asked what their age, race, or religious affiliation was. The US must be an equal opportunity enforcer. Rush is making this out to be Muslim persecution and that the pirates were innocent bystanders defending their territorial waters. He is a big part of the "drive-by" media that he says is to blame for the biased news reporting that goes on. He gave me the impression that if Bush had ordered the action, there would be a large outcry of protest. What the hell has Bush been doing for 8 years in Iraq? This is the kind of bull we have to put up with from the media in general. Too many talking heads offering "expert" opinions.
Obama's dog
I can't believe the complaints about the dog the presidential family got. There is way too much press on the day to day workings of the Obama family. I think they can choose whichever dog suits their family. To say that they should have gotten a shelter dog to set a good example is crap. That would be like buying the store brand of mac and cheese instead of a national brand to promote fiscal responsibility. I do have an adopted dog after looking at bred dogs, but chose him because of his looks and personality, not where he came from.
Rushbo and the pirates
I was trying to find something to listen to on the radio and came across Rush The Idiot bumping his gums about the pirates. (I heard this on the radio so there is no verification). Apparently some knucklehead from Ohio decided that pirating would be a good field to enter since he was "without a job". He bought uniforms and was going to hijack boats in the Gulf of Mexico! After the Navy rescued the Maersk captain, this dude decided pirating was not such a good idea. Rush Limbaugh is blaming Obama for this guy's inability to be a pirate entrepreneur.
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