Thursday, April 23, 2009

We have a Baby Shaker app for that!

Go to and check out some of the comments about this story. I'm not surprised, given the anonymity allowed. I can't believe that some people would condone this type of behavior. I understand that there is a fuzzy line between what is acceptable and what is not which moves depending on one's upbringing and environment, but some things transcend all of that. Thick skin or not, we as a society should not allow certain types of behavior. To justify this app as ok just because it is a game and not real life is bullshit. I don't think you should leave a comment that you are not willing to stand up in front of 100 people and tell them. How can these cowards think this app is even remotely funny is beyond me.
That being said, I wonder who the idiot at Apple Inc. was that approved this app. Just the fact that they released this during National Child Abuse Prevention Month is bad. Do they not even look at the apps before releasing them? Or does the dollar drive their decision exclusively? Many of our economic problems are directly attributed to companies like Apple who appear to run their companies purely for the bottom line without regard for any social or environmental impacts.

1 comment:

  1. The comments on the link clearly show the demographic of most of the "game" users. They all probably own every "fart" iPhone app and have a median age of 15.
