Friday, April 17, 2009

Scary economic stuff

The current ease at which Obama seems to push spending bills thru Congress scares the crap out of me. I guess our representatives are so enamored with our "golden child" that they are willing to follow any path he chooses like a bunch of lemmings. Although he has had some good ideas, the current method seems to be cramming a bunch of unrelated spending increases and new spending programs into the mix. It reminds me of Bush when he was constantly introducing new ways to restrict our freedom in the name of national security. Our leaders need to concentrate on fixing our current economic situation. Creating new revenue sources for programs not directly affecting the banking and manufacturing crisis by raising taxes is not good fiscal responsibility. I know the healthcare system should be revamped, but that issue is not high on the list of things the average American is worrying about right now. Folks are worrying about their jobs and the unending list of responsibilities that are affected by a job loss or cutback. Unemployment doesn't pay the rent or the house payment.


  1. They'd be better off taking a look at small businesses that either a) have been around for a long time but are now close to closing due to the economy or b) have only been around for a couple of years but have made it past the "most SMB fail w/in the first 2 years" stage. Helping those businesses financially would have a broader impact geographically and would create a heck of a lot more trust and goodwill.

  2. I think it is a case of having to work with the system to get anything done. “I’ll scratch your back…”

    Have to wonder if this is what is making it through the filter, how crazy are the proposals that aren’t? A bunch of “bridge to nowhere” bills? One could argue a high speed rail across Wyoming would create jobs for the state’s economy, but who would use it?

    I don’t envy the job on a good day and Bush left him 8 years worth of bad days to clean up after.
